The Technology Services program provides strong leadership in innovation through new approaches and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support ABS business.
The key objectives for the program are to:
- provide effective technology support to statistical programs and the ABS workforce
- deliver the enabling ICT capabilities for the Statistical Business Transformation program
- ensure the ABS leverages information technology strategically to support its vision and enable transformation
- ensure the ABS has effective and compliant security policies, practices and procedures
- represent the ABS and build strategic relationships in the broader ICT industry, government and international statistical communities in relation to ICT and security matters
- ensure consistency with, and support to, whole-of-government technology strategies for e-Government and the digital economy
- ensure sustainability of ICT investments and services through building and maintaining a highly capable and motivated ICT workforce.
The main outputs of the program are:
- enterprise wide technology solutions to support statistical and business processes for the ABS
- consistent and measurable services for business and application analysis, design, programming, acquisition and commissioning services to help improve ABS business processes
- reliable, cost effective and secure technology infrastructure, library and knowledge management services
- ICT services to support the production of ABS leading statistical indicators
- enabling technology for the 2016 Census of Population and Housing
- enabling technology for the Statistical Business Transformation program.
The main medium-term developments in the program are to:
- provide ICT services and systems for the 2016 Census of Population and Housing and continued development for dissemination products - due July 2017
- undertake improvements to security programs to meet new business requirements, ICT services and government compliance - ongoing
- lead and support ABS innovation initiatives - ongoing
- strengthen internal processes and approaches through the adoption of industry standards, methodologies and tools - ongoing
- provide ICT leadership and support to the Statistical Business Transformation capability projects with Acquire, Process and Analyse, Disseminate and Foundation Infrastructure, as well as within the core statistical programs - Transforming Economic Statistics, Transforming People Statistics and Data Integration - ongoing
- manage the delivery of enabling services to the Transformation program including role based access and integration middle-ware - ongoing.
Patrick Hadley
Technology Services Division
Chris Duffy
Technology Applications Branch
Helen Robson (A/g)
Technology Infrastructure Branch
Lane Masterton
Technology Capability Branch
Program costs | $m |
2015-16 | 50.8 |
2016-17 | 44.6 |
2017-18 | 41.7 |
The level of funding for this program in the out-years has not yet been agreed.